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EUFLYNET Training School 9 – 13 September, 2024, Agigea, Romania

Agigea Bird Observatory will host the EUFLYNET training school from September 9 to 13, 2024. The training aims to equip ornithologists from Southeastern Europe with the skills to engage more actively in bird ringing and tagging initiatives and to develop new ornithological studies for Central and Eastern Europe. The Eastern European flyway remains poorly understood due to the limited number of studies and bird observatories. Nearly 40 participants from 11 countries will attend the training. Over five days, they will learn how to develop scientific projects, ring birds, determine sex, age, and molt in birds, as well as tag and track birds. Additionally, they will be trained in census techniques and data analysis.

   Agigea Bird Observatory is a joint initiative coordinated by the Marine Biological Station "Prof. Dr. Ioan Borcea," Agigea, part of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania, in partnership with the Romanian Ornithological Society/BirdLife Romania and the Romanian Ringing Center. We conduct continuous bird ringing during the spring (3 months) and autumn (4 months) migration seasons, as well as during the breeding and wintering periods as a Constant Effort Site (CES). While most of our activities take place in Agigea, we also organize expeditions to the Danube Delta and other areas in Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

© Emanuel Baltag

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